Sunday, April 4, 2010

First Nude Painting

This painting is a nude female pose done in oils on a 16x20 canvas.

FOR SALE: $225 contact me at (352) 817-3502 or if you are interested.


  1. hands and feet are beautiful. dude look at this! you're almost better than that other guy and one day you will be. I promise.

  2. Levi I absolutely LOVE this painting, it's gorgeous and VERY impressive for your first nude. It isn't easy painting the human form simply because our proportions are kind of all over the place but you've done an excellent job here. :)

  3. i really like this piece. she looks so elegant. but the reason why is really important. oil paintings look elegent due to the medium, but this is becuase of how you chose to compose this piece. good use of forshortening. i think you could have mabye created a different background. have her engadged in something. have her seem more mobel as though she is interecting with something. and always use the golden ratio. that is key to having the eye travel through your paintngs. the veiwer is more entrigued becuase they are emersed into the painting.

  4. i posted the comment yesterday, right above this one. i forgot to add that i heard that you were enering into the CREATE contest in Ocala, it was on i saw your name and wanted to see your artwork so i googled you. nice work. i am also entering into the contest.i am entering in two photos and one callage on canvas. if we both get chosen i guess i will see you there.

  5. thank you so much and I hope to see you in the contest if we are chosen :)
